Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Last Teaching Day in Red Bank - Lauren Nonos and Jessica Rawe

Today was our last day of teaching at Red Bank Christian School.  We started off our day by going on a tour with the student council and Sarah, a Peace Corps worker.  We saw many of the homes that our students lived in and met people who live in the village.  There were women carrying babies on their back in a sack, clothes hanging up on a line to dry, and chickens, dogs, roosters, and horses roaming the yards.  The students also walked us to the river, which was a mile away from the school.  It was hot, but it was worth it to see the student council members jump in the water after they had dressed so nicely for us.  Upon our return, the principal asked the UofL student teachers to come into a room where the Red Bank teachers were gathered.  We met with the teachers that we had been spending the week with, and we were all touched by their kind words and gifts they bought for us.  This was truly a special feeling for all of us, knowing how much our teachers appreciated our assistance.  For the last couple of hours at Red Bank, we taught fun lessons to our students.  As the end of the day approached, we were overwhelmed with emotions.  It was such a rewarding feeling knowing the impact we made on our students and teachers.  However, we were heartbroken looking at our students knowing we were saying goodbye.  Although we are sad to leave, we are excited to see our families and friends soon.

Lauren Nonos and Jessica Rawe

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